Dealing with Anxiety & Panic Attacks

by - November 18, 2015

Hii everyone


Today's post is something very private and personal, but I feel like there are loads of you out there that maybe are going thru same right now. And knowing that maybe I can help just one of you then I'll be more than happy. I'm going to talk about anxiety, so here is what I know.


Anxiety is constant feeling or worry, fear and can lead to panic. It's overreaction to situations that is only subjectively seen as menacing. Person feels like on edge and can feel like it's going to explode. There many types of anxiety and each can be triggered by very different things or situations we call "triggers"

When I feel get very anxious it’s like my own body is controlling me. My brain is on panic mode a lot making it harder to fully enjoy life. There have been lots of things I can’t do because anxiety is preventing me from them, in way that I feel like I'm in constant worry that something is going to happen to me.


And things get worse when you add panic attack to this.


 What exactly is panic attack?!


It's a sudden feeling of scare, dread. You start to feeling like the whole space is getting smaller, everybody is staring at you and pushing you to run at nearest exit.

Body release adrenaline in way to response to "danger" and that adrenaline is preparing you to "flight or fight" and it's something that our brain is programmed to do if we find ourselves in life-or-death situations, usually they can least anywhere form 10 up to 40 minutes.


Symptoms of panic attack!

 Lot of people don't react the same and even one person can experience different symptoms in different situations. There is emotional and physical respond to situation. The reason you can get out of breath and have rapid heartbeat is because your brain release adrenaline, while blood goes to muscles that are preparing your body for flight/fight mode. Because of that you can become pale and can get headache. This also means that you become more aware of noises and smells around you.


Some other symptoms are:


  • rapid heartbeat
  • lack of breath
  • sweating
  • uncontrolled crying
  • feeling dizzy
  • feeling claustrophobic
  • hot and cold flush

My experience

 The first attack I remember was when I was 6 years old and that's when my rodents phobia started. I was just sitting in bathroom minding my own business when mouse ran next to me. I remember my brain switching to something I have never felt before. I run on hallway crying and screaming. I couldn't catch my breath, my heart about to jump out of my chest and I felt like I could run for miles. I tried to explain to my parents how I'm feeling as I thought that was normal but it turns out it's not.

 Since then, my panic attack become more regular and more intense, and now they are not only about rodents, some everyday normal situations make me feel anxious and I get feeling like I'm not controlling my life. Because of panic attacks I try and avoid big social gatherings, crowds, being somewhere where I don't know anyone or situations where I'm in center of attention.

 The worst part for me is not actual attack that can sometimes last for 40 minutes but the fact that it can happen anywhere.

  •  In bed
  • In school
  • In bus
  • In gym
  • In club
  • In public
  • In friend house
  • In your own house
  • At events
  • At work


 What helps me?!

When I have panic attack there are few things that I found that help me: I like to be on my own for few minutes and catch my breath while analyzing situation, I try to get some fresh air, have some water and if possible, to wash my face with cold water. When I can feel my heart rate drop is time when sometimes get light headed and dizzy, so I have something to chew on (gum or candy) so not only is that helping with sugar levels but also rewires my brain into focusing on something else that isn’t panic trigger. 

 I also learned by now that this is something that calms me down but one thing that DOESN'T help ME is having someone talking to me while I'm panicking, I have like to put my brain and energy into calming myself down. There are many people who actually need to have someone with them while having panic attack to help the refocus and be support or simply having them there makes them feel less scared and anxious.


 How you can help to someone during panic attack!?

 There are many things you can do and many of them depends on what the person is like and what helps her/him. But some of most general things are:

 1. Be there for them, you don't have to do or say anything just standing next to them is helpful

2. Stay calm, it's enough that one person is in panic mode,

3. Don't assume what the person needs, ask them

4. In case that you are somewhere public have bottle of water with you, and don't leave them alone

5. DON'T say things like " You'll be fine, it's just school/party/train/work, you are overthinking and doing drama about nothing. What's wrong with you, calm down. 

WHAT YOU CAN SAY: I'm here, what can I do to help. Just breathe slow and low. I know it's terrifying but you are not in danger.

6. Don't force them to do things that you now will trigger them.


Please now that you are not alone and that anxiety and panic attack are something that many people suffer from. It's not something that you can erase from your life but you CAN help yourself. Please don't be afraid to ask for help, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm still taking courage to go see someone, it's still something I'm dealing on daily bases. Although terrifying they won't kill you. You are amazing person and please don't let anxiety ruin your life and make you stop doing things you love,


I hope I cover most of thing, if you have any question or want to share your experience please share them in comments.

                                                            Love Ivana

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