Day After I Hangover Tips

by - January 01, 2017

Hello everyone

While last night might have been the craziest night in year, today might not be in our favorites books. So I thought I'll give you few universal tips to help in getting ride off or just calming hangover.

1. DRINK it up

Now arm yourself with bottles or glasses of liquids preferably water but any kind of herbal tea is good as long as you keep yourself hydrated. What I love to do is add some flavor in water, my favorite is lemon just to add bit more vitamins/excitement to regular water.

2. Have a NAP

Leave your social media alone and stay in bed. Your body needs time to start recharging and filly with energy and to process everything you have put in you body. So you better wrap yourself in fuzzy blanket put on some fairy lights and enjoy.

3. EAT wisely

I'm guilty of having slice of pizza in 3AM after clubbing. While you might not feel like eating, you should but instead of chips and pizza or bakery goods, think of eggs on toast, tomato soup and fruits and fruits juice.This foods are full of vitamins & proteins that will help your body to reboot.

4. Have a bubbly BATH

So you had your nap and eat all delicious food it's time to get even more cozy and relaxed with hot shower or relaxing bubbly bath. It's big bonus if you add some bath salts to nourish your body inside out. If you're not bath persone take quick cold shower to wake you up ASAP.

Hope you had great time celebrating and that this tips will help you with that annoying day after.


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