Life Chat: Graduating University

by - March 07, 2021

 Well, it's finally here,  as you are reading this I've graduated from university.

This past 3 years ( and a bit) have been probably the most fun, exciting, nerve wracking, overwhelming years of my life.  I have moved for the first time in my life away from my parents and lived by myself ( roommates included) and experienced a lot of firsts.

First year has definitively have been the best one, I had my group of friends, uni work and homework was  manageable during week and left weekend free so  I could go out, explore and just have me time, I also had great roommates and my mental health was probably the best it has been in past few year. I was so happy that I had finally found my place & people.

The second year started on rocky start, I've switched apartments, got new roommates that decided to move mid year, so I had to find new place in 2 weeks. Thankfully I found a gem of place in town center and the best roommate a girl could ask for. But my friend group slowly started to shut me off and real work and whole bunch of homework became everyday thing. Even then, I wasn't struggling a lot, simply because I still had people around me that I could talk to. Summer of 2019 was one of my favorite, I worked in hotel as children animator and had great company too work with. I once again managed to solve entire year with no exams transferring in my finale year.

And then comes year 3, year in which I was completely cut of form my "friend group" and was somewhat stuck with myself. New apartment meant new roommate with whom I honestly had zero interests with, so I was spending a lot of time by myself in my room, and as you can guess my metal health was not thriving at all.. To top of things, cue the worldwide pandemic and move me back home. 

This past year has been challenging on so many levels, I had online classes thru almost entire day, I was home living with my parent again, had s@it load of work to do, I was writing my finale theses, my mental health was in shitty condition and health was not the best. But like with loads of times before in my life, I pulled (semi successful) my things together and manage to finish university.

Thru everything I've been thru in the past 3 years, ups and downs, mental breakdowns, happy tears, loads of roommates, lost friendships, bus drives, laughter, failed exams, homework, parties, new friendships, sleepovers, job interviews, ER visits and hundreds of emails, I have finally graduated!

I'm very proud of myself, for not only doing it 3 years as planned ( let's forget this 6 extra months) but for fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming preschool teacher. I don't know for sure what future holds but whatever it is, I'll do my version of " the very best" I can, as that seems to work just fine. 

With love, 

bacc.praesc.educ Ivana 

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