LIFE CHATS | Dealing with Loneliness

by - November 19, 2019

*you live most of your life inside your head. make sure its a nice place to be*

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing ok!

I have been gone for very very long time, and I'm here just to give you all update

Firstly I'm 3rd and final year of college, which is insane as it does feel like it was just yesterday that I was writing my "New Home" post to let you all know I have moved to Pula. Well it's going ok, things (lectures) have just started a month ago so it will start to get more and more busy BUT I just don't feel myself this past few weeks, and well didn't know where else to go, other then my blog.

My blog & youtube were always my little place to put out my thoughts, bits that I love and just somewhere to be who I am, which I honestly currently don't now. A lot of emotions have been piling inside of me, and I don't know how to cope with them, it's like they are there and i'm aware of them and i can't get them out.  I've tried with ignoring, crying, talking to myself and others, accepting them and sleeping them off, but they are just simple there. When looking for source of them, i realized them i'm beyond done with Pula and college, i get homesick so much now, i don't know if it's because i'm almost done ( 7 months left!) or is it because i've lost my group of friends i have been hanging with in past, but it all got bit too much! My free time have consist of watching Netflix, eating & in search of job, that feels almost impossible to find this days.

I have roommate but we literally have zero interests so we spend most of time in our rooms, i'm just looking at my laptop as I have lost all interest in watching youtube or tumblr or even my truste game of "Stronghold Kingdoms", all I want to do is either sleep or go home or look endlessly scroll thru instagram, which is pointless, i have zero use out of any of thing I just mentioned. I get bored and crave some human contact in way of simple walk or chitty chats about anything.

SO I'm pretty lonely currently as you can read out from previous paragraph, and that sucks big time, cause it's getting to most wonderful time of the year and not having people around you to share that joy can be pretty harmful in ways that you start to think there is something wrong with you ( there isn't anything wrong with you!), I know i'm there now and i know it's just a phase. Don't get me wrong I have my family and few friends back home who are always there from me, and I do talk to them all the time but it's different cause I see them just once a month or so, and when you lose that little but wonderful grupe you had before it hurts you big time. ( as again you think you have done something wrong)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm still here and ok I guess, it's just that my emotional healtH isn't in its best right now, which is totally fine. It's OK not to be OK!

If you need someone to talk to, know that I'm here, you can send me message, tweet me or send DM on insta ( just let me know you are from here)

Stay safe.

Love Ivana, xx

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