Life Chats: Life with Coloboma

by - July 25, 2016

* Disclaimer* Although I am a nurse and I am familiar with many medical terms I will keep this post as simple and understanding as possible for all others how are not familiar

I have wanting to write this post for such a long time and wanted to explain many things to many people but the only reason I waited for so long is I didn't know the name of my eye condition.

When I was about 5 months I ended up in hospital with really high temperature and rash for which they had to take some big medical exams for almost everything including my eyes. They have found that my eyes are not how they are suppose to be. I was diagnosed with COLOBOMA!

Coloboma is condition where tissue in eye is missing, it can be in retina, iris or optic nerve and it can come on one or both eyes. You can recognize coloboma by keyhole pupil. Now I have coloboma retinalis meaning I basically have hole on my retina and the result is I can't see which is NOT case with everyone who suffers from it.

This has only effected my right eye which means I can't see on my right eye. Now to clarify it's not all black my vision is NOT lost it's just very very blurry in fact so blurry that I only see shadows and edges of objects and texts.  It is preventing me for few thing but there are a lot of things I do that just need more time. (This is the reason I don't do my make up and make up tutorials. ) But I did brought something really cool and that's heterchromnia which means I have different colored eyes; one is green and one is brown

Fast forward 7 years and I was about to start 1 grade and I wasn't wearing glasses until my school teacher notice I can't see read anything if the text wasn't  5 cm in front me. That's when we knew I need to see a doctor. I went to many many appointments and glasses adjustments in following years and nothing has helped and my ophthalmologist told as there is no cure or operation that can help.

I started to wear glasses to help my left eye who is basically overloaded as I get all of vision information only thru left side and also to prevent possible vision damage on life eye. For almost 15 years my glasses had cylinders as we thought they might help, well they didn't.

I got so many nicknames thro my life many of which came with my vision, and the sad part is that almost all of them came in high school from 15-18 year old. It's sad to think people don't understand and make fun of you just because your different.

This condition doesn't have cure and science is still not sure what the cause is since it's so rare only 1 on 10 000 people has it, but I do have hope that somewhere in future this will be just as easy to operate like everything else. I'm still wearing glasses although they don't improve my vision a lot, but they are necessary when I'm driving.

If you or someone you know has Coloboma please let me know here in comments or tweet me here I would love to hear/read there story

XoXo Ivana

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  1. I also have coloboma as well. Also heterochromatic (green / brown). However, it affects my left eye, not right.
