January Favorites

by - February 02, 2016

Hii Everyone

I'm bringing you my January Favorites today, and I can't quite understand how January is over so quickly. Here are products I've been enjoying past 31 days.

Avon Double Brush- I use one end to apply eyeshadow over my lid and for blending and sponge for applying eyeshadows in my corners and bringing it under my eye. 

Boujar Foundation- I have rave about this foundation in review I did so I won't go again. Covers everything, blends nice and smells delicious.

Catrice Concealer- Although it has very good cover, I use it for to brighten under my eyes. It's also very hydrating on my skin.

Watch- This is actually my sisters watch that she bought from ebay but i've been wearing it quite a lot throw past 10 days. The "face" of watch has same material inside as belt and it makes it look very vintage and classy.

Franck Cubics- This is snack from when I was very little, somewhere on end of 90is. It's basically potato crisps that look like french fries, and you can get them in original salt version and with ketchup. I'm big fan of both. If you ever come in Croatia try it out :)

I don't have many favorites past month but I've been using all of this a lot and they are actually my favorites.

What have you been loving in January?!
XoXo Ivana

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