Day at Congerss

by - October 10, 2015

Hii everyone

What a day, today was. I went to Nurse Congress and had loads of fun. Congress was held in in luxury hotel called "Opatijska 4 cvijeta"  and to be honest It's one of most beautiful places I have ever been to. The view is just sea, nothing more and nothing less.

I spent most of the day listening to lectures and learning about different areas of medicine and nursing, so sadly I didn't have much time to take picture but I do have a few which you can see below.
For lunch we had sweden table so I opted for pasta bolognese and some cream cakes whose name I don't know.(sorry not)
My outfit was simple just some black jeans, pink t shirt and over black jumper and of course my all time favorite white convers.

XoXo Ivana

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